- Comprehensive Prenatal care
- Antenatal clinic
- State of art labor room
- Continuous CTG monitoring
- Ultrasonography
- Painless labor
- Highly qualified staff round the clock.
- Infertility clinic
- Cancer screening
- Adolescent clinic
- Family planning clinic
- Post-menopausal clinic
- Hysterectomy: abdominal , vaginal, laparoscopic
- Ovarian surgeries: cystectomy , ovarian tumors
- Staging laparotomy
- Laparoscopic surgeries
- Hysteroscopic services
Cosmetic gynecology services
- Vaginal Rejuvenation
- Vaginal Tightening
- G SHOT augumentation
- Hymenoplasty
- Clitoral Dehooding
- Labial Minoraplasty
- LAbialMajoraplasty
- Non-Surgical treatment in SUI:PRP
Antenatal Care
- Antenatal classes
- Antenatal Exercises
- Comprehensive prenatal care
- Genetic screening and counselling facilities.
Intrapartum Care
- State of the art labor room
- Highly qualified and experienced staff round the clock.
- Labor room staff to patient ratio 1:1
- Continuous CTG monitoring
- Ultrasound
- Painless labor with ambulatory epidural anesthesia
- Well-equipped obstetric theater with neonatal resuscitation station.
- Post operative ICU with ventilatory support and step down ICU with monitoring facilities
Cancer screening
- Evaluation by a Gynecologist
- Ultrasound whole abdomen/pelvis/breast
- Pap Smear/HPV DNA testing
VIDEO COLPOSCOPY (directed biopsies)
- Vaginal surgeries (non descent vaginal hysterectomy, sacrospinous colpopexy, vaginoplasty, midurethral tape application)
- Post operative ICU with ventilatory support and step down ICU with monitoring facilities
Comprehensive Health Care Package for Woman
- lifestyle modification advice by dietician, physiotherapy and mental health departments.
Family Planning Clinic
- Contraceptive advices
- IUCD insertion
- Surgical sterilization
Infertility Clinic(reproductive medicine unit)
- Male and female evaluation.
- Ovulation studies
- Semen analysis
Gynaec Endocrinology Clinic
- Thyroid disorders
- Obesity management
- Hyperprolactinemia Syndrome
Urogynaecology Clinic
- Urge incontinence management
- Surgical corrections for SUI
Postmenopausal Clinic
- Bone densitometry studies
- Lifestyle modifications
Adolescence Clinic
- Lifestyle modifications
- Menstrual irregularities
- Pcos management
- Hirsutism
- Sexual education/counselling
Labour Room
Our Labour room provides a pleasant, efficient and patient friendly Intrapartum and postpartum care. We have round- the -clock doctors -for both obstetric and neonatal care, skilled nursing staff with monitoring facilities. To give the best comfort to the expecting mothers we have special options of obstetric analgesia like Epidural analgesia (painless labor) etc., The labor room also has a High Dependency Unit to render special care to high risk patients. We have adequate blood bank facilities round the clock. We have immediate access to blood and blood products in case of need. With a well equipped system, delivering high quality obstetric care, we have kept down our caesarean section rates.
The IP wards have the following wings
- Antenatal wards
- Postnatal wards
- Recovery room
- Postoperative wards
- Pay wards
- Gynaec wards
Our wards are self-sufficient with an organized team work by the nursing staff and the doctors. The wards are under the supervision of doctors.
Community services
Camps in the nearby villages
ഗർഭിണികൾ അറിഞ്ഞിരിക്കേണ്ട കാര്യങ്ങൾ
ഗർഭകാല ആരോഗ്യ സംരക്ഷണം
വേദന ഇല്ലാത്ത പ്രസവം
ഗർഭിണിയും മുലയൂട്ടലും